TechConnect is always committed to continuing to develop the skills of our employees, one of which is through the development program. Currently, one of the newest programs to be implemented is ECDP (Executive Competency Development Program), with program partners such as Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), Rajawali, CMA Institution, and Internal SME. The objectives of this program includes:
Creating the next C-Level leaders pipeline in SMM+A through a holistic talent development program (practices, classroom, mentoring)
Growing existing talents and attract high caliber external talents
Solving real, game changing business problems that require deep thought and organizational buy-in
ECDP is intended for internal talents from various BU’s and across the broader company (pillar). This program will be held for 6 months, and includes a variety of interesting training curriculum, such as the Curated Financial Model, Curated Digital Module, Curated Management and Leadership Module, and many more. The benefits of participating in this program are career advancement, opportunities to get promotions, and increased employee benefits.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates about our ECDP!