Picture source: Small Business CEO
It will be very rewarding to check everything off your weekly productivity list. However, it can also mean that you will drain your energy reserves and drag yourself until Friday. If this has always been your weekend scenario, you might want to spice things up a bit to ensure you get the rest you deserve. Let's take a look at some ways to manage stress and relax after a hard week at the office. When you give yourself the time and space you need to relax, it will help your body and mind recover and start the next week at its best.
1. Practice Slow, Deep Breathing
Slowing down and deepening your breathing can significantly reduce your attention span, even if only for a few minutes. If you have difficulty relaxing after work, consider doing breathing exercises as soon as you get home to help calm your mind without stress.
2. Take Up Meditation
Meditation offers countless benefits, including helping you focus on the present, increasing self-awareness, and boosting creativity. Best of all, they can seriously help you relieve stress so you can mentally take a break from work and enjoy your time at home.
3. Go For a Walk or a Hike
One of the best ways to reduce stress is definitely exercise. However, you don't have to be a professional athlete to benefit from exercise. Even just ten minutes of walking can increase endorphins and help you feel less stressed. If you're looking for after-work activities to incorporate into your daily routine, consider even just going for a 10-minute walk or hike on your local nature trail .
4. Prioritize Getting Enough, Quality Sleep
Getting enough quality sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health. When you adopt healthy sleep habits, you will feel better able to cope with stressful situations. If you're feeling stressed to the max after a crazy week at work, perhaps your top priority is getting a good night's sleep.
5. Unplug
According to the American Psychological Association, people who constantly check email, social media accounts, and messages on their electronic devices are generally more stressed. While plugging in may be necessary for work, it's not required when you get off shift.
6. Let Your Emotions Flow
The work environment is often a place where we have to control our emotions. Singing loudly in a business meeting, shouting in frustration or sighing in frustration are not things that are encouraged in a professional environment. However, when at home, you are not governed by the same rules. It's important to experience your emotions instead of suppressing them. If you feel stressed, find a way to laugh, sing, sigh, cry, scream or do whatever feels right.
7. Create a Peaceful Place in Your Home
Ideally, your home should be a refuge from the rest of the world, a place where you can relieve the stresses of the day. Depending on your home environment, it may not be possible to turn the entire house into a peaceful place. That being said, establish a room or corner in your home that will be your sanctuary where you can relax and unwind.
Learning to manage stress is an important aspect of your overall health. If you're having trouble de-stressing after work, try gradually incorporating some of these tips into your after-work ritual. By learning how to manage and recover from stress, you will be able to be more productive, present and productive at work and in your personal life.
Source: Vantis Life, Indeed, Inc