Picture Source : The HR Digest
Performance reviews can bring up a lot of emotions from the employee, that can be good or bad emotions. Sometimes it can affect employee performance to be less than optimal. To stay performance-driven, you may be preparing for your annual mid-year performance review. While it can certainly feel nerve-racking to not know where you stand, don’t assume that there’s nothing you can do to calm your nerves! In fact, composing a performance review checklist beforehand can help ease your anxiety for the big day.
In order to go into your mid-year performance review with high confidence, start by using this checklist:
1. Reflect on your major accomplishments
Clearly, performance reviews are a good time to sell yourself and highlight the accomplishments you've been responsible for over the past six months. It can be hard to remember what happened in the last 6-12 months, but your greatest achievements will stand out. Whether you closed a big sale or worked on a big project, you know which of your accomplishments are the most important. Remind your boss of what you did for the company this year by keeping these big achievements in mind. If you have the data behind your great performance, be sure to present it to your boss during the review.
2. List your increased responsibilities
In addition to your greatest achievements, be willing to share the greater responsibilities you have taken on as well. For example, you may begin managing another employee, take on additional customer responsibilities, or lead new initiatives within your organization. With these responsibilities in mind, you can talk about how each one helped you grow and became a more valuable asset to the company. Additionally, by highlighting increased workload, you can clearly communicate to your manager why you deserve a promotion or raise.
3. Consider your major weaknesses
Considering your greatest achievements is an important part of your performance appraisal, but assessing your weaknesses as an employee is just as important. It's certainly not easy, but analyzing your weaknesses beforehand will help you address them during the review. To get a fair assessment, think about the mistakes you've made in the past year. This includes failing to properly communicate something to a colleague, overlooking important project details, and not using your time efficiently. These errors can pop up, so be prepared to discuss them during your review.
4. Make a plan to improve
Now that you've reviewed the mistakes of the past year, it's time to think about what you can do differently to grow. If you have communication problems, attending a class is a good idea. If you have trouble managing your time, block social media on your computer. If you raise an issue in a performance review, be sure to come up with a solution later, lest it seem like you're just complaining, or that you're interested in working for a company that values efficiency and good work. Please suggest Even if you present your manager with actionable points that can help improve your weaknesses, he will be impressed with your efforts.
5. Think about your career track
One area of performance reviews that needs special attention is the discussion of raises and promotions. It may come as no surprise, but it's good to be prepared and talk about your career, your future goals, and even where you want to be in five years from him. Before you make an assessment, think about where you want to be next year or five years from now and what steps you want to take to get there. Also, keep an open mind for other opportunities, as your manager may have a different idea of where you stand in the organization in the long run.
6. Do your research
It's easy to forget how your value in the job market changes as your role and responsibilities evolve throughout your tenure with the company. Even if you are perfectly happy with your position, it is important to know how marketable your skills and experience are. This will help you understand if you are being paid fairly and if other options are worth considering. If you feel that you are not being treated fairly at your current organization, you can take part of the survey during your evaluation to prove that you deserve to be treated more fairly.
Source : Tandym, Frontline Recruitment